Sometimes it’s possible to help an animal recover from its emotional, behavioural, physical or psychological problem simply by using essential oils or a combination of the oils and some behaviour modification training. Essential oils, although not a substitute for veterinary care, may well benefit an animal in conjunction with allopathic medicine or on its own simply because it acts on all levels and heals the root of the problem. I love using them because they are gentle but often work very quickly. A case in point is the immediate healing of Humphrey’s lameness. (See his case study.) It’s possible to give an animal the freedom to choose the oils itself. This is known as Zoopharmacognosy. By allowing an animal to select the oils itself, there is no error. It also builds the animal’s trust in its owner. When doing a test in the animal’s absence, it’s still the animal’s energy that is used to make that choice. And it has always been foolproof for me. Combining essential oils with TTouch gives me a powerful tool to help an animal heal itself, whether it may be stressed, traumatised, a victim of abuse, etc. What is it? Essential Oil Therapy for Animals is similar to Aromatherapy for humans but instead of massaging the oils into the body as with humans, they are administered differently. EOT for Animals works on the premise that in the wild, animals self-medicate by choosing specific plants to help them maintain their health or assist them when they have problems. In the wild, nature could be regarded as the pharmacy and each animal its own practitioner. Many of the oils from those same plants are extracted and used in Essential Oil Therapy for Animals. How do they work? They work on the central nervous system and through the blood stream. An essential oil can cover a wide field of activities, i.e., it can stimulate certain systems of the body while sedating or relaxing others. It is a non-invasive, natural solution to many health and behavioural problems. Animals are very sensitive to the oils and they can have a profound effect on them. Often in the case of emotionally damaged animals, as in abuse cases, it’s necessary to peel the layers. The oils work on the emotional damage close to the surface and subsequent oils gradually get to the heart of the problem. But this is all done as and when the animal is able to cope with each layer. It’s impossible to give the wrong oils or to go too deeply too quickly. The animal dictates the pace. This is what is so fascinating. If an animal doesn't want/need an oil, he just walks away from it. How are the oils chosen? Occasionally, I do a test at home for a specific problem, make up the oils in a chosen carrier oil and bring them with me. I can can do this either with Kinesiology or dowsing. But now I'm more inclined to let an animal choose by offering oils that could be helpful for the animal's behavioural, emotional, health or psychological problem. Often the animal chooses herbs or powders because there is a nutrient imbalance. I've begun to combine the oils with ordinary training on a home visit because I've come to realise that they are beneficial to the overall needs in a training session. This makes a session longer but, generally, brings huge success. What are they good for? Emotional problems such aspast abuse, bullying, nervousness, etc. Behavioural problems like aggression, box-walking (in a horse), fearfulness, excessive anxiety, separation anxiety, etc. Physical problems such as injuries, memories of past injuries, etc. Who benefits? Horses, Dogs, Cats, Other animals. The nature of the oils and the testing makes it possible to treat animals nationwide without having to actually see them. A preliminary phone call, the detailed questionnaire, subsequent kinesiology test on a human surrogate and choice of oils can all be done and the oils then forwarded to the client with detailed instructions on offering them to their animal with phone back-up whenever necessary. Bringing the oils to the animal and letting him choose is the other way of doing it. |